Flying High

A nice start to the day after the rain and the plants looked good with the water drops glistening in the sunlight so Out I went to get some photos. Just looked up and this Sparrow hawk flew past with it's prey. Not sure what it caught but I'm sure it had hungry mouths to feed.
The day was nt as good as hoped   or forecast. Several heavy showers and one with hail so felt quite cold. Luckily I had an indoor session arranged for Brownies. We planted the seeds and made little gardens. We used clay to make creatures for the garden which included several bees, a pig, a family of teddies and a fairy. Two of the girls made little ponds for the bees to drink from. We had a mad ten minutes when the girls buzzed roundt he room to the 'The flight of the Bumble Bee.' Great fun :) 

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