Common Tern

It was good to pick up dog and cat this morning from their 'holiday hotel'and bring them home. Both were very pleased to be back but the dog was a little more demonstrative!  I took her out later on to Tring reservoirs to see what was around.

As we were walking along, there were some relatively small birds swooping over the water so I asked a passing 'birdman'... 'What's one of those?'  He told me it was a Common Tern so I decided to have a go at photographing it.  Terns are fast, up and down and with the big lens on I found it very difficult to get them in focus. I will have to ask at Camera Club the best way to go about this sort of photography....but if you have any advice, please tell me!

I have subsequently found out that the Common Tern eats fish so it was swooping down for those and not the bugs that were flying round eating me!  I have a few other shots that were more or less in focus and one that shows how the tern bends its head as it scoops up the fish.

My hearts for widwed12 this week go to JDO for her dedication and determination, Ellisroger for getting right down low, to JohnW for finding barriers everywhere, to Freyjad for shooting a total barrier and to Hanneka3 for providing the perfect wide angle shot.

Could everyone try and recruit two or more participants from their followers for next week's wide angle challenge?  Let's get four pages filled!!! The theme will be 'Opposites' and your aim is to use a wide angle to show things that contrast greatly - tall/short or old/young for example.  Tag widwed13.
Thank you to everyone for keeping the widwed challenge going!

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