Happily arrived

It was only about a week ago that I first noticed that a new cafe has opened on Ponsonby Road. Called Orphan's Kitchen, it was moderately busy for not long after 0700 on a cold autumnal morning. At 118 Ponsonby Road, it is rather a long away from Three Lamps, and it has seemed that the further along the road the more the cafes straggly to get custom.

I had crossed the road to get a long shot of the cafe for my series, when a couple appeared, paused outside and then entered. Their backs as they entered didn't do much for me, but I do like the happy look on the woman's face as she and her companion found their way to a table in the window looking out.

It was a much shorter run than yesterday's, and it was also much colder at sunrise than at midday. I'm already contemplating long sleeve tops and gloves. 

Finally sorted a number of things today, and with a second locum confirmed, all I need to do is turn up for work four days a week. One issue is that the second locum is in Wellington, so I will be flying in for two days, and then flying back to Auckland. After spending the first two days of the week at North Shore on the first locum.

I start next week, and it is only for two months in the first instance as they and I see how it works out. 

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