Eventually seen

Rather wild weather overnight, heavy rain and strong winds, morphed into a grey and damp morning. By mid morning, the sun had burned off many of the clouds, and I went to the water to see if I could get some photos of birds. Unfortunately, I'd left it a bit late and the tide was too high for the waders, who were sunning themselves on rocks out in the water.

Going back up the path from our beach, I was treated to a veritable choir of tui. The only one I caught sight of was zipping rapidly down hill and away; little more than a flash of black and a memory. Then I managed to spot this one singing lustily, and in an open enough tree to be able to get a good view, and get three or four shots before it too darted downhill and away.

Late afternoon we drove back to the city to join our daughters and two of the grandchildren for dinner. I'm posting a photo of the pork filo pastry rolls with greens and pumpkin cubes. A lovely evening

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