
By pensionspoet

Norwich Cathedral Peregrines

This morning was the same as the last. The bus 12 minutes late. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the first pickup!

At lunchtime today I had a break from searching for the shoes of my dreams, and headed out with my lunch towards the cathedral. I work a full...oh 3 minutes walk from here. Today was kind of finding my way around. There is a huge amount of building work going on in the road which passes the cathedral. It's in the area of Norwich called 'Tombland'. Historical buildings, and modern restaurants all mingled together.

As I walked down the path to one side, generally following everyone else who looked touristy, I had already made up my mind to return when I had more time. Just out of my picture, there is an information tent type thing set up, with telescopes all pointing towards the tower where the peregrines are bringing up their chicks. There is also a live webcam, which can be seen on their website. While I was there, one of the parents returned. I can't believe it's taken me 7 weeks to discover it!!!

I ate my lunch and had a nice chat with an old work colleague before heading back to the office.

Home and I have things planned. This blip takes me longer the later I do it - as I feel compelled to write everything I've done! So I'm doing it now..& you won't get to read about my evening of dusting, hoovering & hopefully a bit if sewing!!!

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