A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Boy' toys!

This looks a bit like a jungle but it is actually our front garden!

Many years a go we had a fence and a lilac tree here but a late snow storm in April brought both down and our neighbour then said he wasn't into fences so we didn't replace it but between us planted various shrubs.

Sadly our. neighbour died last year and our temporarily neighbour decided he didn't want the up keep of a well trimmed Leylandii at the corner of his and our gRden so chopped it down at the beginning of the week
That seems to have set Chris off so out came the chain saw this morning to cut back the Laurel. I went out to take this picture and managed to persuade him not to lop the Holly!
Then out came the favourite toy - the shredder!

To round of a perfect morning a trip to the tip was required. What is it with men and tips?

Garden now.looking reasonably trimmed and Chris is a happy bunny!

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