Mono Monday in Colour (2)

Soft and fluffy - the three seagull chicks on my roof are growing.  Home at 4pm, I stood with my head and camera through the skylight watching the them until my arms ached.  The two pictured are  right at the end of the roof (thank you Panasonic FZ200 with your lovely Leica lens) and were a bit shy but third one, (see 'extra'), was made of stronger stuff, tapping its beak on the glass of the sky light, spreading his wings "look at me, look at me" - don't worry, birdie, I am.  Not only that, neighbours Jack, Celeste and Michael all came for a viewing.  Turned the image to b&w for this week's Mono Monday theme of "soft" hosted by JDO which these babes most certainly are, but then turned back to colour again. These monochromatic sweeties need a colour bokeh :)) 

In other news, with the students all finished last week, today was a tedium of six hours of meetings.  More tomorrow.  Oh, and it is overcast and a bit windy and chilly today so please send vibes for sunshine as tomorrow, 18.30 is our Seniors Graduation ceremony

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