The Verge

A pretty uneventful day today. I spent most of it in Miss L's room sorting out all the tat, broken plastic, forgotten fruit (nice!), the soft toy mountain, the food, animals, dolls, Happy Meal toys (mental note to self, we may go to McDonalds too much!!!), dressing up clothes, books......
I have promised her that when we move she can take everything from her room; we won't leave anything behind.
I didn't say anything about a pre-emptive clear out!!
Driving to gymnastics I was struggling to keep my eyes open. When we got there I put my seat down and Miss L and I snuggled down to listen to The Enormous Crocodile. I woke up in a panic at 5.30 worrying that Miss E would be waiting for me, wondering where I was. Then I remembered that she's in the new class now which is an hour!
Then it was the usual rush of McDonalds (mental note to self, listen to my mental notes!!), home with the Little Misses and then straight back out to Bicester for dinner with Miss K.
Another lovely evening and weird driving home after 10pm in daylight!

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