Just Sitting in the Rain

This was the scene that greeted me when I got home tonight. Miss L just sitting out in the rain looking pleased with herself. She's a fruitloop!
It was Miss E's class assembly this morning which was just fabulous. It was based on what they'd done in music this term.
Lots of them played little pieces on the instruments they learn. Miss E played her chiming bells again on the piano. I love, love, love watching her concentrate so fiercely, counting and nodding her head like a metronome. Wonderful!
There were lots of songs including a hilariously chaotic rendition of In and Out the Dusty Bluebells, a brilliant round, a demonstration of note types with percussion and then the spectacular finale - the most amazing performance of Do, Re, Mi
Miss E was So and every time she sang it sounding a bit more like Re if I'm honest!! she jumped in the air and did fabulous jazz hands.
They were all amazing. What a treat!
Afterwards we went for tea in the hall. Mr K and I covered ourselves in glory introducing ourselves to a new family who's son has joined Miss E's class. I said I was called Miss L and Mr K said he was my wife.
We're such idiots!!
I went over to Bicester after lunch to pick up a repeat prescription for an inhaler. All this tidying and packing is making me wheezy. 
It was a bit of a faff involving going to the doctors, going to my mum and dad's, going to Sainsbury's, going back to my mum and dad's, back to the doctors and back to Sainsburys.
But all was sorted eventually. And I got lots of holiday goodies on the various visits to Sainsbury's.
Home for cuddles with the Little Misses, a lamb dinner and an early night.

Sports Day yesterday. Fantastic!!

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