
By hjarald

'Photo Chopper'

In regards to the comments on my 'Independence Day' composition photo last saturday, I normally prefer to shoot everything natural and only use photoshop to get rid of disturbing items, such as annoying people who don't seem to understand I just don't want them in frame.
Independence Day was an exception, consisting of a backdrop shot, the car and a foreground and fence. It inspired me to see if can create anything I want from scratch in photoshop and decided to make it today's challenge.
This morning I set out to make starting point shot with my iPhone in an industrial area, not knowing in advance what I would encounter.
When I spotted this Harley I knew I found the starting point. Then I imagined it to become a showcase photo under a tree in a park and having to make the light match the backdrop.
This is the end result (and the original starting point has been added as my extra photo for you to compare.)

Ps. There's also a B&W on Flickr.

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