Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Fragrant orchids and a cast of thousands

Margret and I had a little jaunt out to Gowk Bank Nature Reserve this morning. I'd heard that the fragrant orchids were in flower.  Gowk is another word for cuckoo, but can also be used as a term of abuse for an awkward or foolish person (oh dear).

Many different orchids grow, although not all are in flower at the same time. I think we were too late for the small white (only a very few plants are found on the site). There is a good range of orchids with lots of hybrids so we became confused, but we did find large groups of fragrant orchids (see main image), twayblade, frog orchid (only 2), common spotted and heath spotted (or were they marsh?).

There is a large (relatively) flowered eyebright, which is particularly good this year. The globe flowers were not in evidence, but the melancholy thistles were starting to flower. The grasses are wonderful. We ran out of superlatives and I won't try to list all the flowers we saw.

My extra image is of a tiny plant which had gone to seed. Any ideas to help me identify this one please?

Watched Wimbledon and dozed off in ladies' final.......

Julie took Mum to Embroiderers' Guild and brought her back. Very kind of her.

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