an image of teamdel

By teamdel

On First Name Terms

I just about got home in time to put Boy on my lap to watch the football. He dipped in and out of interest with it as did his sister.

Long gone are the days of watching the match down the pub with friends. They are now replaced with watching it in a lounge surrounded by toys, mess and snacks,whilst random songs are sung so you cant hear the commentary. Actually it doesn't sound that different to down the pub really.

Whilst I ate in front of the game the rest of the family ate at the table where Boy started to say his first name on repeat. Up until the other day he has refused to say this claiming that his surname was what he was called. The other day he said it once and has since not repeated it for public airing. Tonight though he was all to happy to say it, that was until I came in with the camera.

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