Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Perched High... the air taking a rest from his soaring and gliding from point to point.

Have you ever wondered where a bird was going?  What its final destination was?  I have.  I have asked myself what they would do if they actually reached the point to which they were determined to reach. Has this lovely Northern cardinal reached its destination and has now chosen to rest while trying to determine what its next destination to be?

I have wondered if they had any logical reason for choosing their points.  Why here?  Maybe because it is a good observation point.  He seems happy to be scouring the neighborhood.  Birds do  have better vision than humans, after all.  Or maybe...he's just thinking of where to fly next...

On an unrelated point... my friend Alma suggested if he is going to continue to come around, perhaps I should name him.  She had one who came begging for food once who she named cheep.  I have come up blank, and as usual, am asking for suggestions.  It's call sounds like this: sa-weet' sa-weet' sa-weet' chirp-chirp-chirp-chirp (repeat).
I'm thinking maybe, "Sweetness," or something like that because of his song.  But I don't know...

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