Sari Splurge!

For a moment, I wondered what my mother would have made of this.  Quite an interesting train of thought but not worth following.  Anyway, hubby certainly reacted positively, and that's what it's about.

There was a power outage in the shop, which is why the saleslady had to use the flash.  Of course, I also had to buy the matching top and the skirt that you use the sari on top of.

The shop was in Dambulla, where we passed by on the way to our next pushpin, Kandy.  On the way to Kandy, we also passed by an herb garden where we got a 15-minute Ayurvedic massage (our second in 3 days!) although not the full body version.  Hubby bought a bottle of his favourite Citronella oil to ward off (Philippine) mosquitoes.

In Kandy, our hotel is situation at the top of a very steep hill.  It's an old colonial house, cozy and with the Victorian atmosphere largely intact.  What an interesting day it's been ... again.

Btw, exactly one year ago, pro-Russian separatists in the Ukraine shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.  Of course, investigations are still going on and there has been as yet no official statement regarding who is responsible, but the Dutch refuse to be fooled about the case.  We're not spending our time ranting and raving and tearing our hair.  Instead, we're quietly remembering all those who were simply blown out of the sky and making sure life continues ... and it is in this way that we find our strength.

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