The Disappeared

For all we know there might be an unfortunate disabled artist drowned at the foot of this puddle outside the Art College.
After the rain last night, there was a plethora of puddles marking our route to the shrine of toast this morning. It seemed to be another Scottish summer's day for us to enjoy, but two hours later the rain stopped, and the sun came out to dry up many of the puddles.Hopefully no more wheel chair users will disappear into this Art College one.

We have battened down the hatches and stocked up on pizzas and fish fingers in readiness for two little grandsons travelling up today from Yorkshire with daughter #5. They are coming to tea. With no room at our Inn they are staying in daughter 2's house nearby while that family are on holiday.
I do hope the weather stays fair so that they can enjoy doing outdoorsy things and run off little boys' energy during the week they are here.

Oops, the sun has disappeared again.

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