The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Caravan chat

CleanSteve and I went to the Museum in the Park today, to view the Stroud Local History Society's summer exhibition. I found out more about the history of my school's buildings, which was totally unexpected.

I picked up the little 'Chance to Chat' postcard in the foyer. It was one of a series. On the back it says "Chance to chat
keeping your stories alive
Please use this card to share your memories and stories
To develop this project we'd love to hear how you used this card"
It was distributed by Fair Shares Stroud, and is intended as an aide-memoire for reminiscences, I think. Now I am not personally old enough to have worn these unflattering clothes or owned a caravan in the 1960s. My mum's clothing was more flower-power in this era. So this isn't a family story, it's just a stream of consciousness, inspired by thoughts of being by the sea.

Seagulls wake me, as they do every morning, skiing along the roof, calling, raucous, Down on the beach early dogs run free from the leash, leaping in lace-edged waves.
Streaked carmine in first light, a horse and rider gallop the length of the bay. My feet itch to join them. My brain and the rest of my body protest, so I instead step inside the tiny shower cubicle. Five minutes later, I emerge to inhale the scent of breakfast: fresh ground coffee and toasted walnut loaf.

That's it from Stroud tonight. I'm off on the train to Loch Etive side tomorrow. Got my wetsuit packed....

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