First Signs of Spring ...Disco Style

I have been shurlping around in my wet wet garden today taking lots of pics of drippy drops.......It's been raining so hard I really didn't feel up to getting wet and muddy.
Getting lazy in my old age I guess.

I was talking to a friend the other day about Macro...we both have the same okay'ish macro lens..that we both find hard to get anything decent unless it is very well lit.
That reminded me of the rim light that I have....I dug deep.
I found it...(even though my office is a total mess now) .....plonked it on my macro lens and had a fine old time in between downpours . It took a while for me to work out what the funny reflection was in the drops....DUH!...looked like disco lights to me .....ergo Disco Style.

I love buds that are just about to burst......we have quite a few of them in the garden now...might practice a bit more....does anyone have any idea how to by pass the disco light reflection from the rim light?

“I want
To do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.”
Pablo Neruda,

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