His Precious Leaf Nest......

When we got to the park I went to get my camera......I had forgotten it......my head and memory I'm sure has huge holes in them. lately However all was not lost as I had my Go Pro in the car.

The park was really muddy and not that nice to be sloshing around in and when Flynn went and sat in the middle of a bunch of soggy leaves I got a bit Pi***d off with him and told him to get up.

Now ...this is what I learned about those leaves.......a week or so ago he had made it with his friend ...(there was some rather complicated kid politics going on around the leaves)....and it was his Precious Leaf Nest....especially for Snow Leopards. He was so happy sitting there that I had to re think what I feel is right for him and what he feels is right for him......How I want him to be and how he is....(it was the second time it had to admit to trying to use my will over him in a very short space of time).' Perhaps it is a good thing that he is a stubborn and willful little bugger....not caring about the wet bum otherwise I would never of learned about  and been introduced to the Precious Nest.

“YOU are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, 
I am the smaller one on its upper side,'
said the dewdrop to the lake.” 
Rabindranath Tagore

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