Chillin' on the Porch

Dear Diary,

The porch isn't quite finished.  Greg will come on August 3 to begin the final interior trim work.  Then there's painting to do but Emerson is not a bit concerned.  He still finds a quiet nap on the porch an afternoon delight.  I roused him, briefly, to make this photograph of him.

I love the new porch, even in its unfinished state.  No worries about the rain we are presently experiencing soaking the furniture.  I will love it even more when November comes and the windows and walls make the porch warm and snug.  Despite the expense and work, it is well worth the effort.

Have you noticed that the narrower the view the more you see?  For the first time I understand how old ladies can sit on their porches for years.
- Walker Percy

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