Faster ...

... than the speed of light.

Left for work earlier than usual this morning; when I got to North Shore Hospital the sun was rising and casting its light on Lake Pupuke. Because I had plenty of time for a diversion I went to the edge of Lake Pupuke, where I took the photo which is an extra today.

Not exactly a busy day, which meant that I am fully up to date with my paperwork. When I got back to the apartment, daughter C and her boys were there. The boys were becoming irritable over how they should play Minecraft (I think) together. To avoid a melt down, I proposed a walk to Grey Lynn Park. Mr H assented quickly; Young L took longer, and came when he realised that otherwise he might miss out. 

The evening was closing in by the time we got to the park. I had the Nikon compact, and the Lumix bridge camera. Neither is particularly adaptable for these sorts of conditions. My blip was taken with the Nikon. Mr H racing across the slope of the skateboard ramp.

Quarter of an hour earlier, I had used the Lumix and got the second extra for today. Young L developing speed wobbles.  

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