Roger is Back!

The bird on the left is "Roger." I named him or her that when I first saw him many years ago. I'm guessing he has been coming for six or seven years. 

One year several Steller's Jays showed up with bands. Roger had a red and a green band, one on each leg. I decided to call him "Roger" for the first letters of red and green. The other banded birds all disappeared, but not Roger. Every year he kept coming back or wintering over and sticking around. 

For quite a few years Roger was king of the peanuts. His buddies could come for a snack but he chased away all the other birds. Then one year he seemed somewhat worse for wear. His feathers were less than perfect and he looked a bit bedraggled. Not sure what was going on but the younger fellows took over. That lasted a few years. But this year he is back in top form and when he is eating peanuts, the other birds stay clear. Or join him if they are friends and family. So he's back. And he is still king. And every time I see him I am so happy he is still here. 

By the way, you might be wondering if my vision is messed up because here you see him with one yellow band. Nope. The red one fell off and the green one faded to yellow. It is still Roger.

Busy day today. Session with Heidi, my wonderful therapist. Two hours with the Alzheimer's care givers support group. Then Arvin and I went to the Marrowstone faculty concert at WWU. Another great concert. Now it is late and time for bed. We get up early tomorrow to get Arvin off the Adult Day Health. His bus arrives at 8:45.

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