Still Working

I can't believe I actually painted in my studio again today. It has been a very long time since I've found time to paint at home. I know the reason is a change in my attitude mostly, although last summer all bets were off. I had some responsibilities that ate the summer. But not this year. And we do seem to have less appointments in August than we did in July. So today again, I looked around the house and chose to paint rather than do something so called useful. Or to go and buy Chickadee's Choice even though we are out. They can wait until tomorrow or later today. So I spent two hours painting. 

The painting is shaping up. I have more to do and I can see some changes I want to make. I am not liking the gray bar across the top for example. In reality it is window and now the bars of light on the top of the pillars don't make sense. They have to stay so I will fix the gray at the top... You can see previous work on the painting here.

I haven't come up with a name for this either. I am considering "La Mirada" which is the name of the museum where the photo was taken. I think names like "Dreaming" or "Waiting" are too descriptive. I'd rather let the viewer decide what the person in the painting is up to. What do you think?

Arvin is at his "big group" as he calls it, Adult Day Health. He is now out of the house eight hours since he needs to take the WTA all the way to Lynden to get to the new location. So he spends four of those hours traveling and waiting. He doesn't seem to mind. I'd go batty.

Anyhow, today I have to meet him at the drop off point between the big bus and the small one that brings him home. He has a doctor appointment at 4 and his bus didn't get here until after that time. So I'll meet the big bus and collect him. I called the WTA to let them know.

After his appointment we will have a quiet evening at home. I do like those though last night's concert was fantastic. The faculty of the Marrowstone youth orchestra summer camp performed. Those guys and galls are good! We have one more concert on Saturday. We have to give the Sunday concert a miss so we can see our nephew, niece-in-law and their two kids who are visiting my brother and his wife in Anacortes. Family days make me happy.

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