Spirit Horse

The last day in Trindas studio to finish off photographing her lovely art.

As I was driving home...a bit pooped I passed this horse......in my head I said "Spirit Horse"...it had the most lovely face. I continued on for some time ......and just had to turn back .....I needed to meet him.
He was rather lovely and a little curious of me..we were getting on fine until he smelled my hand...I think it must of been Rumis smell...he didn't like it and turned lifted his tail and showed me his lovely bum. 

Trinda was a horse woman...she loved them and painted the most lovely images of them...so this fluffing around is in her memory...I think she might of liked this Spirit Horse.

“He moved like a dancer, which is not surprising; a horse is a beautiful animal, but it is perhaps most remarkable because it moves as if it always hears music.” 
Mark Helprin

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