Horizon 4

Not much of a sunset tonight driving South back from Ma and Pa's place.

Getting to say hello to my old camera ...its been a while...it just doesnt cut the mustard like my A7R ......but not complaining at least I have it to use.......might try and put it through its paces again tomorrow.....I  have been thinking that I would like to have 2 bodies as I do like to change lens (often) and perhaps this way I can save my sensor/s.....it might surprise me..my little NEX7....I know I used to love it ....lots.....it did take a while to change over but I havent really looked back since.
.....Gosh! I can be so fickle at times.

Showed Ma and Pa some of my shots from Scotland and Ireland...
Mum..........'why are those stones sticking up like that'.............'they are ancient standing stones Mum...you know a bit like Stone Henge'......'well they don't do a thing for me...I like the bluebells and bumble bees........oh no not more ruined castles'.
Luckily Dad got it and wants some more next time I go up.

I wonder what she would think of these Horizons...I dare not show her....I can hear her now....'well what's it supposed to be?' ......'the Horizon Mum'......'whats the Horizon go to do with anything...looks like a lot of stripes to me'
I will show her one day and I will let you know if I'm right or if she will surprise me.

“Our mothers always remain the strangest, craziest people we've ever met.”
- Marguerite Duras

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