Albert , Prince Consort and James Prescott Joule

Two men from very different back grounds born around the same time.
( Albert , Prince Consort 1819-1861) 
(James Prescot Joule 1818-1889)
The former was born in Saxe Coburg and Gotha .
The latter was English  born in Salford , Lancashire .
Today they are closely remembered in Manchester at the Town Hall in Albert Square. Prince Albert stands before the building looking towards it .Joule is seated on the right as you enter the maindoor .
So how is this linked to balance .?
Clearly these are statues and as such balanced . However both did much for us . Prince Albert  was a man of progressive and rather liberal ideas, Not only  did he lead reforms in university education, welfare, the royal finances and slavery, he  also had a special interest in applying science and art to the manufacturing industry. Great Exhibition , Society of Arts etc. His position as husband to Queen Victoria brought about a more balanced society .
Joule was a Physicist and brewer and through much work and many experiments founded what is now known as Joule's first law . Next time you go shopping look on any tin or packet of food stuffs and there you will see under ENERGY how many (kj) per100g.Balanced diet and eating
Balanced intake and energy is important for physical well being ..

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