A Tiny Treasure

Dear Diary,

I bought this little gold and glass egg in St. Petersburg, Russia ten years ago.  It has always sat on my mantle but always closed.  The other day I opened it and looked again at the tiny goose and frog inside.  It immediately made me smile and I wondered why I'd kept it closed so long. 

I bought it because I loved the way the goose and frog appear so curious to see each other.  Curiosity is, for me, the most important characteristic to have.  Curiosity leads you to explore, to want to find out the "why's and where fore's" and it inevitably leads you to new and wonderful things.  Curiosity is linked to imagination and with the two your world is forever new and engaging.  Now, the tiny treasure remains open on the mantle as a reminder to me to remain open...remain curious!

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