
The Little Misses had swimming this morning. We need to leave the house by about 9.15am but unfortunately didn't wake up until 9am so it was a bit of a rush. 
The road being closed between our house and the pool didn't help. But we made it only a few minutes late. Woohoo!!
While they were in there I went to the gym - for the fourth day in a row, get me! I put in a bit more effort than normal and could hardly walk by the time I went to meet Mr K and the Little Misses.
From the pool we went to Milton Keynes to get some school stuff sorted.
First of all we went to Costa for tea, hot chocolate and cake. 
Then it was to Sports Direct to pick up Miss E's trainers. She saved up her pocket money to buy herself a basketball while we were there!
I made the mistake of "popping" into Boots to get some photos printed for the Little Misses' holiday scrapbooks. The ones I swore I was going to do a month ago when we got back from France!!
I thought it would take five minutes so left Mr K in the car with the Little Misses. 
Half an hour later - after the machine broke down, ran out of paper, ran out of ink, was operated by a child who didn't know how it worked and spluttered out one photo every ten seconds - I had to walk out because I'd have committed murder.
I think there were six photos left to print - out of the hundred I'd been waiting hours for - when the machine packed up again. And there was no-one in sight to help me. I grabbed the photos I had and walked out. 
Mr K - who  is far more law abiding than me - went back in to explain that we hadn't paid. The boy serving said he completely understood my rage and told him not to worry about paying. Result!!
Then it was to Asda for glue and then home for a well earned cup of tea.
Later on I went over to Bicester - picking up Mrs C on the way - for dinner with Mrs K, Mrs R, Mrs Z, Mrs C and some of Mrs K's other friends at the Villandry in Bicester Village.
Mrs K is over from Australia for the worst of reasons and it was lovely to see her, catch up with everyone and try and make things a little better if only for a short time.
It was such a fun night - lots of chatting and laughter.
I was very good and had salad, water and no dessert. Operation Lose 10 Pounds is still on track.
I dropped Mrs C home and got home after Midnight. It's been a while since I've been out late on a Saturday night. Brilliant!

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