Lemon Fragrance......

I was up with the birds and strolling through my garden, enjoying a morning cuppa as the sun rose. It was warmish with a slight breeze, the delightful fragrance from my Lemon Fragrant Michelia bushes filled the air while blackbirds and sparrows were twittering away, no cats were on the prowl.

I had a few laughs over yesterday's comments and there were some great suggestions on how to deal with my cat problem. It seems whether we're cat lovers or not this is one problem none of us like and water was a common answer to the problem. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, I really appreciated your thoughts.

Flower Friday today thanks to BikerBear who continues to host this wonderful challenge, today's shot is the centre of my beautiful Lemon Fragrant Michelia.

Winter weather is expected to return here tonight and tomorrow, it will be a cold, wet and maybe sleety weekend, spring flowers will take a knock and fires will be roaring, a good place for cat's to be.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :)

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