A Day of Remembrance

This morning was spent at my new accountants ..I wasn't expecting to be there just about three hours. He seemed to be in such a muddle, I hope it is all done correctly!

When I got home there had been a phone call from my Optometrist and he wanted me to contact him immediately I got home. He had received  the results of my scan from Monday and said I needed to be seen by a specialist as soon as possible.The appointment has been made for 9.40am tomorrow. He also told me it is a wonder I can see as well as I can.. that has worried me a bit now!

I just had time for some lunch and I was out again as I went to Artival's memorial service. Jillian, Daring2Go contacted me last night to let me know where it was. There were just the two of us from blip and it was good to be there on behalf of the blip group. Artival was a very talent  and lovely lady. It was interesting hearing all about her life.. a very wonderful send off. She will be sadly missed.

The weather has been really bad today with lots of steady rain and no sun showing us its lovely warming face. Lots of streets I went down were flooded.. I wouldn't want to have been walking far today. I think this Helleborus tells the story of today.

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