Capital adventures

By marchmont

6.27 p.m. 21 June 2012, Midsummer

I forgot to check the temperature, freezing is a close approximation. The rooftops have disappeared and Arthur's Seat is no more.

A horrible day at work and outside. Went for the second screening of the week at Ardmillan this time. Got soaked waiting for a taxi. Not a happy bunny. Sad to hear about a friend feeling she has to leave us.

Good things - #1 son and daughter in law came. They look really good and WH looks so happy. They took me for a meal at Sweet Melinda's and we had a lovely time - fizz, Thai fishcakes, hake, the deadly choc torte and 2 bottles Grillo.

And guess what, by the time we came out, the rain had stopped, the sky had lightened and I could see the rooftops again. Don't get excited, it won't last.

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