Sick Bed

I woke up this morning at about 4am feeling sick and shivery and freezing and like the worst idea in the world was to move a muscle.
I crawled out to get Miss L's bucket and crawled back to bed for a day of throwing up. Unable to lie down or sit up without feeling sick.
Knackered but woken up the only time I managed to fall asleep by a call from the Dr's surgery about my daughter's recent "overdose". Annoying!
I was gutted to miss parent's evening tonight. The first one I've ever missed.
Mr K went and came back with glowing reports. Miss E has a reading age of twelve which her teacher says they don't often see in Year 3 and she loves to learn and contribute. A joy to teach!!
Miss L is doing brilliantly with her reading, needs to work on her letters - the bigger the better as far as she's concerned! - and is generally lovely!
So all in all pretty glowing reports for both of them and a very proud Mummy and Daddy.
By about 9pm I couldn't tell if I felt sick because I had the lurgy or because I hadn't eaten or drunk all day. So I risked some toast and a cup of mint tea. 
I felt a bit better so forced down a bowl of rice krispies!
Fingers crossed it's just a twenty four hour thing and I feel more human tomorrow.

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