I have spent far too long this morning trying to get a decent photograph for the Flower Friday and Pinktober challenges - and am quite happy with this Antirrrhinum, commonly known as a Snapdragon, which has been “photobombed” by a Pholcus phalangioides, commonly known as a Daddy-long-legs Spider.  

We weren’t too sure what the insect was, so Mr. HCB looked it up in his Complete British Wildlife book - and I thought it looked quite good suspended in mid-air.  We made sure it went back outside after the photo session - although it may have preferred to stay in the warm.

Thank goodness there is only one Friday left after today for Pinktober - but I think we need to buy more plants with pink flowers - in fact, I may even have to resort to chatting to neighbours for next Friday’s blip!

Another dull and grey day - which is a shame because the trees are looking beautiful - and a little sunshine filtering through would make them look even better.

Please also continue to click on this link to provide free mammograms for those who cannot afford to pay - thank you. 

A human heart can never grow old
     if it takes a lively interest in
         the pairing of birds,
               the reproduction of flowers,
                    and the changing tints
                         of autumn leaves.
Lydia Maria Child

For those interested in challenges, there is a new one - or rather an old one being resurrected - by Freespiral - a Derelict day - a Sunday is preferred, but you could do it on any other day, tagging it this week DS1, derelictsunday, derelictsunday1 - so spread the news. 

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