The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Psychedelic duvet cover leaf pattern

Yes, yes, I know. I was trying to take a serious picture of leaves and reflections in the river Frome, but time was against me, and the midday sunlight was remarkably strong.

It's been a busy day. Steve took me to town to do some essential business, then I walked home and walked along the canal/river towpath to the rehab where I teach on Mondays. The class was disjointed, for various reasons. and I ended up losing the warm mellow holiday feeling I've been cultivating. It's not always an easy place in which to be, nor to work.

Afterwards, I barely had any time at home before Lea Anne was knocking on the door to pick me up for climbing! I climbed better than last week (would not be hard) and managed to get over a final overhang that defeated me before. Now I'm at home, knackered after one particular climb that seemed to take everything I had, and them some! Watching a Gaelic programme about piping. seeing as the Mod from Oban seems to be over now. Glad that I made several trips to the Mod'sCharity shop last summer during my house clearing phase, if it helps to fund such events.

I"ve just realised that It's the first autum half term since I started working five days a week that I haven't been away. In past years I've visited Dorset, France and the Netherlands, and the West Highlands. This year, though, the big events are taking place later: family wedding in November and a trip in December, so I'm staying put.

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