But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

What a Difference a Week Makes.

Having convinced myself last Monday that this was some sort of Boletus, I had a closer look at it this morning. As can be seen from the first extra, it has gills, whereas a week ago they were concealed by a membrane; that completely rules out the possibility of it being any sort of Boletus. It has grown significantly in height (as has the grass) but the diameter of the cap (shown in the second extra) has changed from about an inch to just over six inches and both the textures and the colours have completely changed; it has also gained a little friend. So now it's back to the reference books for another attempt at identification but an initial search throws up nothing useful.

On the technical note, both pictures were taken with a ground spike which meant that I was able to take them from exactly the same place, I used the same hole. The first was with a 60 mm. macro lens with the sides but not the height cropped, while today's was taken with the kit lens set to 33 mm. with the height cropped but not the sides. Both were shot in landscape format. That information helps me to appreciate the amount of growth. I would not recognise them as the same specie but the slug damage on the stem identifies it as the same specimen.

Here is a link to the earlier blip. I will amend the entry if I find out what it is.

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