Today Thomas and Ophelia did 3 sets of 5x 200m to work on their speed. Thomas was struggling a little with his technique and Ophelia needed a couple of adjustments, once it clicked with Thomas what a huge improvement he ran faster and the best I have seen him run. Ophelia did well but is under a little pressure, she is in her 2nd year at Highschool and had been advanced to the 3rd year earlier this year and is sitting NCEA exams. Both these two give everything 100% which makes it a pleasure to coach them. Bob's Funeral was held today and I emailed sally my Eulogy, Sally did not realise Bob and I went back as far as we did, we knew each other through training and exercises within two Emergency service Organisations. this is my Eulogy that was read at Bob's Funeral on my behalf.  

Farewell Bob Robertson. O St John

I extend my sincere condolences to Lorell and Family.
My first association with Bob was back in 1980 when Bob was an actor patient in a Civil Defence Rescue exercise at the old Gas Works in Spey Street, later I was to spend many years serving alongside Bob as an Outdoor First aid Instructor with the Southland Branch of the New Zealand Mountain Safety council. Bob was instrumental in making the Outdoor First aid programme successful in Southland, where Bob, Martha and I would have long days, good food and little sleep. Bob enjoyed imparting his wealth of knowledge to the students we taught and enjoyed sharing his advanced knowledge with his fellow instructors. Bob was a tireless worker and this I admired and it was this work ethic that I looked up to and practiced myself.
Bob and I would spend many weekends working together for almost 18 years; it was one of these weekends away that I was asked if I minded sharing a Caravan with Bob in Gore, the only warning I was given was that Bob snored a bit……. We have all seen the Tui ad YEH RIGHT. Another time Bob was in the other end of a dormitory at another venue and you could hear him snoring from a very long way away it was so loud the wall would vibrate. We held outdoor First Aid Courses at one our most popular venues Taringatura where there was a nice big open fire in the main hall. It was so cold on one of these courses that everyone slept in the hall with the fire keeping us cosy, in the morning someone commented that there was a lot of wood being sawn during the night; I can confirm that Bob had the biggest Chain saw and cut the most wood.
I have never forgotten the knowledge Bob has shared and continued to practice this in my service as an Ambulance Officer. It was an Honour to have Bob as a Mentor, Colleague and Friend.
Bob thank you for all you have done.
Farewell old Friend.
Mario Oostendorp

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