
Day two hundred of tooth problems today.
Miss E slept solidly until 3am which was an improvement on the last couple of nights. 
She came into us, had some medicine and fell asleep again. 
It took hours for me to get back to sleep so I felt particularly awful this morning.
Which is probably why Miss E and I ended up having a screaming row about taking her medicine this morning. She was writhing around on the floor screaming in agony about her tooth but refused to take the painkillers. If I went within ten feet she started screaming and cowering behind the sofa.
In a display of terrible parenting and general horribleness I ended up shouting at her, telling her she was being ridiculous and she could just stay in pain if she didn't want to be sensible and take her medicine.
Aaaghhhh, She's seven and I'm supposed to be nicer to her than anybody. I'm supposed to make it all better not ten times worse.
Anyway she took it eventually - after speaking to Daddy - and settled down.
She was determined to go to school and had another hissy fit when I suggested she stay at home today. 
I gave her antibiotics to the secretary to put in the fridge, filled out another medication form, was made to feel like I really shouldn't be taking her to school at all by the secretary and the headmistress, eventually made it upstairs where I found a hysterical Miss L outside her classroom who for some reason was distraught that I hadn't got there before she had to go to literacy.
God give me strength!!
I eventually made it home to start on my French homework. I've had two weeks to do it and I left it all to the hour before the class.
And I wonder where my children get their procrastinating tendencies from!!!
Working at top speed I got through it with seconds to spare before zooming into Buckingham for the lesson.
Ten minutes before the end I got a call from school saying Miss E was asking to go home. Sigh.
She looked awful. I'm hoping those antibiotics start working soon!!
I gave her Calpol and we snuggled up in the car until Miss L had finished rolling around in the mud at Forest School . Then it was home for dinner, antibiotics, baths, more painkillers and bed.
It's 8pm and I'm off to bed!!

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