Sparras @ the Canoe Pools & Jens Arse

Up before the birds again this morning to do some sunrise was lovely.....and I got so many good pics (I reckon anyway) that it really has been hard for me to choose.
The extra ....Jens arse I just had to post.........ditto Jen....hahahahaha......and the sky was such a beautiful lavender colour except for the peachy glow as the sun came up...I told Jen that I was channeling the Lavender Lemonade cocktail she bought me last night (it was yummy).

It was a toss up really.......I loved the feeling of the suns energy in the one I posted..........I have to say this session with the three of us was so gorgeous.....just as all were. ...such a treat to blip with other blippers.

After this we went and did some silly things in front of was fun.

Jen dropped SH and I off at the train station (sad to say goodbye) and now we are in Sydney. After a disappointing walk around Darling Harbour (it's like one big building site)  we stopped in Chinatown for dinner....which really blew SH's hair back.
Now I am lying on my bed with my feet swollen and looking like balloons ....hope they settle down a much to do....we are off to Tazzie tomorrow.

Thank you so much for your stars and hearts for my waterfall yesterday.

And thank you so much Jen for the stay at your fabulous B&B......and sharing your wonderful locations with us.

AN: This is such a bugger to upload...I am having to sit in a corner now..on the floor waiting...nearly there.

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