Feet on the Table

Yes, Ben and Jerry are still alive, George and Kat will be pleased to hear. They've been with us since Monday.

I can't say that Len and I are 'cat people.' We find it tiresome when they hide in all sorts of places and we can't be sure where they are. At least it's easy enough to spot Basil.

Ben mastered the jump up to the window in the conservatory the night he arrived, and very thoughtfully removed a mouse he had found with him. Jerry was not so successful, until today. He had to be let in and out via the door. Thus we have been exempted from having to empty the cat litter tray. A huge relief.

Jerry did, however, discover 'under the shed' where we assume it is warm and dry. Both cats have stayed in overnight.

The cats have to feed on the table as otherwise, Basil would scoff their meals. Not good training, I know, but needs must.

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