Stand up for what you believe in

Last night I was at three events, one after the other, and all made me think about what I believe in and think is important.

This photo probably embodies most of the values I hold dear. They have been stitched onto a heart at a 'Craftivism" workshop at the Stove in Dumfries and the heart has been pinned to a banner which will be carried at the Climate Change march in Edinburgh on Saturday.

The same values were also emphasised at the second event I attended, which was part of Scottish interfaith Week, and considered how people from different faiths viewed the environment and could respond together to the threat of climate change.

At the third event, which was a meeting of our local presbytery, I heard these values emphasised by the guest speakers, Heather Hall and Linda Whitelaw from The Usual Place, a community cafe which employs young people with learning difficulties. The core values of The Usual Place are: 

Everyone is of equal worth

Everyone can contribute to the community

Everyone should be treated with dignity and respect

.....and so say all of us.

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