The Verger?

I went to the inaugural meeting of the Tog Squad at the theatre in Hertford this evening organised by Julie Palmer, the senior editor of Herts and Essex newspapers. It's designed to appeal to people of all ages who are interested in photography but lack confidence and might feel that they are not ready to join a conventional camera club.

I immediately took to Julie who is a great speaker and has an infectious enthusiasm. I think we're all going to have great fun shooting for ourselves, our families, other tog squadies and the public who read papers from the Mercury group.

I am seldom out after dark, in fact the last time I was it was VE Day. I went to Hertford Castle to shoot the celebrations and saw a fellow squadie that day thinking that he was from the Press. :)

After the meeting I went for a wander. It was lovely to see people in the clubs and bars enjoying themselves and pretty girls teetering down the street. I parked in St Andrew Street which used to be known as Quality Street and notable for its umbrella manufacture. My pic is of The Verger's House which dates from 1450. The carved figure is of the same vintage.  

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