Gitama's World

By Gitama

I'm Cool

Flynn told his Mum today  'Nanny's cool'.....I kinda reckon thats about the best compliment I could ever wish for....especially after I threatened to super glue the doors of his advent calendar shut if he didn't behave.

After a big day at the computer we made a quick dash down the beach for some fresh air before the sun totally went down.

I am feeling a little lost not having a car...I am keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't going to cost a heap to get fixed......... sigh!

The silver lining though....Rumi seems to be finally putting on a bit of weight and a pretty happy camper these days. I don't mention it much as every time I did he went back down the gurgle again...this time I really think he's well and truly on the mend.

Hmmmm! interesting things happening on the Blip front...will have to look into it further when I get a bit of time.

“But it isn't easy,' said Pooh. 'Because Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you.” 
A.A. Milne

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