Christmas Lights

Angie still under the weather and I took the decision to visit my GP to see if he had the blood tests from the specialist last week. He hadn't but I phoned them to fax them through. My first visit to GP in 3 months and he was a bit confused on reading the specialists recommendations for various vitamins and minerals although the blood values didn't show a problem. I couldn't explain why I needed calcium supplements although I produce calcium kidney stones at commerrcial production levels. So GP will speak to specialist and sort out why I need calcium, VitB6&12 .... He did though fill my veins with a dose of iron.

Back home, despite the wet & miserable conditions, had to get on with the fiddly bits of connecting up the trailer lighting wires. Managed at least to do much of the work under a roof and using a flood light which had the advantage (at great cost to the electricity bill) of giving off an amount of warmth from the 500W. bulb.

Lots of silly fiddly problems and realised it really is time to start using the reading glasses I was told I needed several years ago and bought at great cost but somehow cannot get used to and anyway can never find when I need them

By the time evening came all most of the various wires were connected up and EVERYTHING that was supposed to light up on the trailer DID and even more suprising the lights that should still be working on the car STILL WERE and to top everything else off those lights on the car that should go out when the trailer attached WENT OUT.

Was over the moon and very proud - not sure why as it is really very simple and I have to say that without  MrBs excellent connections from last night, I would have spent much longer fiddling about.

Can now collect Sultan tomorrow from the horse clinic knowing we will be OK as far as the road traffic regulations go.

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