Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Hope For The Day

Yes. It is giving me hope that today will be better than the last.

I'm sure everyone is so sick and tired of me moaning and groaning about one thing or another over the past month or so that they are totally turned off. Things just haven't been breaking my way lately and I have been venting to (at?) you.

The desktop is all fuc screwed up and yesterday I went to my orthopedic surgeon to get the results of my cervical MRI. He walked into the exam room and the first words out of his mouth were, "It's bad." So off to a neurosurgeon I will go very, very soon.

But the good news is that I woke up this morning. I got out of bed, I looked out the window, I saw God creating a painting in the sky and I took a picture of it.

Life is good.

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