Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Showing some New Jersey 'tude

Apparently the holiday stress is getting to everyone.. .  During a seemingly normal morning at the Bistro, Little Chuckie-Chickadee suddenly blew up to twice his normal size and started trash talking his flock-mates.  No one knew what to think of the whole thing since Chuckie is normally pretty good natured.  The nuthatches immediately started trying to stuff their seeds and nut bits into any available crevice, including the ones on the feeder.  The titmice started flying all over the yard screaming at the tops of their lungs.  And the woodpeckers ... well, as usual, they hunkered down on all available suet feeders and ate as fast as they could.  After the "incident" with Chuckie, the flock collectively decided that the pressure of the holidays had gotten the best of him, and all was forgiven...

It is unusual to see  aggression displays by the chickadees at this time of year so I'm sticking with my story on this.  Wish I could have gotten video because to see such a tiny bird, all puffed up, waddling around trying to look intimidating ... well, suffice it to say, you would have laughed!  Three other pics of the cutest of our backyards birds, starting HERE  (titmouse, wren, and another shot of Chuckie).

More painting underway ... decided to do the downstairs powder-room in the same color scheme.  Hubs is painting the ceiling and I'll start working on the trim when he's done...unless he decides to do the trim himself.  Which he might given that he is better with details than I am...

If you haven't yet gotten up to speed on what is being done to transfer ownership of Blip over to it's members, please take a few minutes to read this post.  And if you  haven't already pledged, won't you take time to pledge whatever you can?  This is really a wonderful, sharing, creative community of people and it would be a shame if we lost it.  


And thank you very much for sending yesterday's rowdy robins to the Popular page!

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