
Mrs Z messaged me this morning to see if we were free for visitors later on. The chance to take a break from the Groundhog Day tidying and stressing about all the shopping and wrapping I haven't done yet?? Of course we're free!!!!
So she arrived at about Noon with Miss A and Mr H and we had a lovely day. The children took themselves off into the other room to watch telly, play on iPads and watch each other play on iPads! while Mrs Z and I drank tea, ate homemade soup, looked at Rightmove and chatted. Very nice!
Unfortunately it got a bit fraught between Miss E and Miss A just before they left. Some sort of misunderstanding about deleting a Minecraft Land (whatever that is!!) and lots of she said, but she said, I didn't, she did...... 
And lots of tears and shouting and stomping.
That aside it was a lovely day. And a treat to see our friends before Christmas.
Fat Club in the evening. I put on half a pound which wasn't unexpected after Centerparcs and all the feasting at my mum's over the weekend!
A week off the rails for me now. Eating everything in sight before next Tuesday!
I may have made a start on the chocolate covered marzipan when I got home!!

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