The Magic of Christmas

Children are captivated by the small things of Christmas.  I attended the local Christingle service this afternoon with daughter and young granddaughters.  The church was packed - and I bet it's not often that can be said!  Considering the whole service was very long with quite a few carols played and 'sung' at snail's pace the children were very good. The best bit was the lighting of the Christingle candles which must be a real health and safety issue - young children holding naked flames close to other small children.... I wonder how the church's insurance stacks up.

Sophie was concentrating hard with her Christingle candle and her face was beautifully lit by the candle flame.

Now both the youngsters are in bed, the plate is set for Santa with a mince pie, some carrot sticks and a tot of whisky... oh whoops...the mince pie and whisky seem to have disappeared!  Now how did that happen?

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