Santa's Been!!

I was surprised to be awake before the Little Misses this morning! We had given them instructions not to come in before dawn!!
At 6.41am Miss E came into our room and announced that it was 6.41am and time to open their pillowcases!
The next hour was spent ripping open all the presents left by Father Christmas last night. They were so sweet - really looking at things and showing us and each other rather than just tossing things aside in their haste to get to the next thing!
Miss L made sure that she hadn't missed anything in her pillowcase! ( See extras)
The beef went in at 11am and the next few hours were spent on dinner. It's my first time doing a family Christmas and it's completely exhausting!!
My mum, dad and brother came over along with River and Maisie. There were lots more presents, far too much food, mulled wine, Bucks Fizz, far too much food, over excited children, far too much food and more lovely presents!
Once everyone had gone and the Little Misses were in bed - enjoying a Friday night sleepover against my better judgement! - I forced myself to do some of the mountain of washing up and organise the leftovers properly in the fridge.
Then I collapsed on the sofa with mint tea, Green & Blacks chocolate and Christmas TV.
Oh and some salted caramel cream liqueur!!!
Happy Christmas all!

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