Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Peace crackers

We went to Shotley Bridge today, invited by our friend, Kate. She has recently moved house so we were keen to see her new abode. Her parents, Jenny and Dennis, were there too.

The weather has been foul and we travelled on very wet roads and through one flood to get there. It was worth it, although the journey home was much worse and quite scary.

Jenny had bought a set of Christmas crackers for today. They are peace crackers, made by women in Thailand who are HIV positive. Inside each one was a hat, a gift and a quotation. We enjoyed sharing these because they were all about peace. You can see my quotes - I was lucky enough to have two - in front of the red cracker.

Mum received a bracelet and my present was a key ring in the design of  a flip flop sandal (left of picture).

Home and not planning to go anywhere until the waters subside. Hope it's soon. We are sure that people locally will be flooded again tonight and can't imagine how that feels.

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