Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Flash, bang, wallop

"Smile please, you too sir.
I am smiling"
From the London Musical Half of Sixpence in 1963 and just before the song Flash, bang, wallop.

I find group photos fascinating. They are by nature unnatural. Some people feel very awkward and can't relax. Others are well trained - see the 4 in this image who are looking into the lens. Note that the cat is looking in the opposite direction.

hazelh and Mr hazelh came for Boxing Day lunch and met our friends, Dennis, Jenny and Kate. They are parents and daughter. We had tiny hot starters (courtesy of Waitrose and a pack Julie brought yesterday but we did not eat). Then we had my salmon dish with yoghurt and breadcrumb topping and veg of course. The salmon was delicious and variations on the recipe will appear in future. For dessert we had profiteroles and apple pie. There was a cheese board.

Then we played games. The hazelhs introduced us to Empire which we loved. We also had a good game of charades in teams (thanks Hazel).

To my mind, the best charade was The Periodic Table by Primo Levi. Hazel struggled to communicate the second word. Gripping her tummy did not work. I helpfully suggested that she could mime the 4th syllable of the second word. Then I suggested she did the first. I was thinking that was a Peer but she thought it was Pee. Wonderful if you were there!

Before they left I was keen to capture a blip and took this shot. Sorry folks, but it reminded me of a cartoon. You can see a more extreme version in the extra.

It's been a lovely day.

PS At the risk of spreading earworms:

There's always been a photographer

To record the 'appy scene.....
'Old it, flash, bang, wallop, what a picture
What a picture, what a photograph

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