Boxing Day

Our luck with boxes has not been ideal…a Star Wars robot box turned out to be just that…an empty box…a gift certificate that was supposed to arrive in the mail didn't, and several gifts, lacking a box of any sort, were less than elegantly wrapped. The dogs ripped apart the bags containing their Christmas gifts and the toys within in less than an hour, littering the house, Dana's, not mine, with stuffing and stuffed animal body parts.There was plenty of good cheer to go around and being with family is the best part. The grandsons are no longer up before the sun so a civilized starting time was a bonus. 

Ordinarily I would be dismantling the Christmas decorations today, putting them in their plastic boxes for next year, but getting down said boxes involves moving both cars and putting up a ladder. Neither of us felt like doing either.

It was 29F degrees this morning, so we bundled up in down layers, hats, gloves and scarves for a walk around Spring Lake, beautifully coated in a thick layer of sparkling frost. A flotilla of ducks gathered in the middle of the lake, but most of the rest of the normal denizens of the lake were nowhere to be seen.

I'm sure most of you have already seen the messages from Blipfuture, and I do hope that as the amazing and unique group that we are, we can all see our way clear to make a pledge and keep this site that means so much to so many of us going. We are, after all a family.Just the cost of one Aztec Mocha a week for a year would be a 300 pound donation…how hard could that be?

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